I was disappointed when I followed the advice of the user named The Bixter by going to Users-Pictures-iPhoto Library but I couldnt right click on iPhoto Library to open "show package contents" as iPhoto Library is not highlighted, it was in shadow so I couldnt highlight it myself or right click it at all.
So I went to Finder to even see if I could find a show package contents button and found the path this user had said to do. it worked only becasue iPhoto Library was NOT in shadow but what good does that do?
In the cleaner app that path is unavailable to me.
What good is a cleaner if you cant get it to clean where you want it to clean? *sigh*
Ok. so after that unsuccessful path, I found a new path. It may prove a bit more tedious for some but at least it worked for me and it was quite quick.
FIRST open your new cleaner app
SECOND click the Select Folder and Scan Duplicates Now button.
THIRD select your user which is whatever you named your computer, it will be the VERY top name on your list, just highlight it and press open.
I didnt have very many duplicates so it only freed up 1.8Mb of space (lol) but at least it worked.
ijam2 about
Photos Duplicate Cleaner, v1.3